Dental health is not just about having white teeth without cavities. Your oral health plays an important role in your overall health. Not having an oral hygiene routine or following a bad one can cause plaque buildup and lead to more life-threatening conditions like endocarditis, diabetes, pneumonia, and cardiovascular diseases. So it’s crucial to develop an effective routine with the right tools and techniques that you can easily follow. In this article, we will talk about the habits you can build to have a healthy mouth and give you the best dental care guide that you can follow on a day-to-day basis.

Brush Your Teeth at Least Twice a Day

The most important step in your oral hygiene routine is brushing. Brushing at least twice a day is essential for healthy teeth. Brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night. This will clear out the bacterial plaque that causes cavities and other oral diseases. But you can’t brush your teeth anyway you want and expect to get results. There are some points to effective brushing that you should keep in mind.

First is your toothbrush. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), brushing too hard and using the wrong tooth brush will not help your teeth, but it will rather hurt them and have adverse effects. The toothbrush you use should have soft bristles and be replaced every 3 months. If you want to go the extra mile, you can buy one that has a tongue cleaner. Along with your toothbrush, you need to choose the right toothpaste, one that has the recommended amount of fluoride, anywhere from 1350 to 1500 ppm.

When you get to the brushing part, hold the toothbrush at a 45º angle toward your gums, apply a slight amount of pressure and start brushing your teeth in small circular motions. Start at the back to pay extra attention to those hard-to-reach areas. Keep brushing the inner, outer, and chewing surfaces of your teeth for about 2 minutes, and then clean your tongue to avoid bad breath. After you’re finished brushing, try spitting instead of rinsing right away. This will allow the fluoride to stay longer in your mouth and protect it.

Since we are giving you the best dental care guide, we can’t ignore your toothbrush holder which according to the National Sanitation Foundation, is among the top three household items that are filled with germs. So it’s advised to wash it at least once a week.

Make Sure You’re Receiving Enough Fluoride

This natural mineral helps prevent tooth decay in adults and can strengthen teeth in children. Even though almost all toothpastes contain a certain amount of fluoride, you may still not be getting enough of it. Since research shows that fluoride can stop cavities from forming, many local governments throughout the US add it to their water supplies. If you want to know how much fluoride is in your water, you can get in touch with your local government. But if you don’t know whether you’re getting enough fluoride or not, ask a dentist. The dentist can decide how much you actually need and prescribe supplemental products for you.

Don’t Skip Flossing

You’re not following the best dental care guide if you skip flossing. Flossing is a fundamental step of any oral hygiene routine, recommended by both CDC and ADA. It will help remove any food particles caught in between your teeth, a place where your toothbrush cannot easily reach. It can also help stimulate your gums and lower inflammation in those parts. So try flossing at least once a day to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

To floss properly, wrap 18 inches of dental floss around two of your fingers and lower it gently between your teeth. Curve the floss around one tooth and move it back and forth to get the food remnants out. Do this one tooth at a time until you’ve covered all your teeth. Don’t forget to pay extra attention to your back teeth. There are other options apart from the conventional dental flosses like floss picks that are easier for kids and older people to use and you can buy them from any drugstore.

Add Mouthwash to Your Routine

Although this step is optional, the right mouthwash can complement your oral hygiene routine. Not only will mouthwash kill more oral bacteria and prevent plaque accumulation, but it will also fight bad breath and other dental problems. And it’s pretty easy to use. You just have to swish it around in your mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. This makes it a great addition for children and older people who may not be following the strictest oral hygiene routine.

Be sure to opt for a mouthwash with the most benefits and ask your dentist for recommendations. If you live near Los Angeles, you can visit Dr. Kezian. He is an award-winning dentist with over who can recommend the best dental care products for you based on your current dental condition and oral needs.

Reconsider Your Diet

It’s true that your diet should consist of a variety of foods, but you should limit sugar and starch as much as possible. Things like chips, cookies, ice cream, and even dried fruits can hurt your teeth by producing acid in your mouth. This acid will soften your enamel and eventually destroy it. That’s why research suggests lowering your sugar intake to 10% and even less to keep cavities from forming. Soft drinks, coffee, alcohol, and processed foods with added sugar are also bad for your teeth and not to mention, your overall health.

You can replace these harmful foods with healthy ones like fresh fruits and crunchy vegetables that will not only benefit your teeth but also your entire body due to their rich fiber content. Water is also a great alternative for unhealthy drinks. It will keep you refreshed and your mouth hydrated throughout the day, preventing dry mouth and washing away food remnants until the next time you brush.

Try to Break Your Bad Habits

Even if you do everything right in your oral hygiene routine and follow the best dental care guide, you should be mindful of some of your habits that can be harming your teeth. One of them is smoking which is not only bad for your oral health, but also your overall health. Apart from causing teeth discoloration, bad breath, and periodontal diseases, it can increase your risk of oral cancer and interfere with the healing process after dental procedures. Brushing right after eating acidic foods can also hurt your teeth because the enamel has softened and you can spread the acidity and brush off your enamel. So wait 30-60 minutes after eating acidic foods and drinks like sodas and then brush your teeth. However, if you really want to have a soda, drink it with a straw and try to finish it quickly. Other habits that are bad for your teeth include aggressive brushing, nail-biting, and using your teeth as a tool for opening bottles and bags.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Your oral hygiene routine is not complete if you don’t visit your dentist at least every 6 months. You might need more checkups based on your specific oral condition, but you shouldn’t wait until your tooth starts to ache to go to the dentist. Try to get familiar with your mouth to know if anything seems out of place and unusual. This could include a new spot, cut, or swelling. If you notice any of these, call your dentist immediately. This applies especially to you if you’re a smoker because you are more prone to periodontal diseases.

In a regular visit to the dentist, you will get a thorough examination of your oral condition and the dentist will look for any cavities or other oral problems, remove the plaque and tartar from your teeth, and schedule your next appointment.

So Follow the Best Dental Care Guide to Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine

You can use this guide and come up with an oral hygiene routine that works best for you. An effective routine will help you avoid dental problems and improve your body’s overall health. Make sure to visit a dentist to know that your routine is working. You should be able to feel comfortable with your dentist and share your concerns.

I’m in Los Angeles. How can I find a good dentist near me?

If you are in Los Angeles, Dr. Kezian is the dentist you should go to. He is a graduate of the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and has gathered a professional team to tend to all of your dental problems. Dr. Kezian can spot any deficiencies in your oral hygiene routine and help you come up with the best one that solves all your oral health problems. So get in touch with the office of Dr. Kezian today and get the best dental care anyone can ask for.


Larchmont Dental Associates
Dr. Michael A. Kezian DDS
581 N. Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 465-2127



  1. American Dental Association –Home Oral Care
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–What Can Adults Do to Maintain Good Oral Health?
  3. WebMD –Your Oral Health Care Plan