Your Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles

Wisdom teeth are more trouble than they’re worth. Most jaws don’t have enough room for them to grow in so they push on the neighboring teeth and create numerous dental problems. That’s why over 80% of people decide to extract them. But how would you know if you need to extract your wisdom teeth? Are there signs you need to look out for? In this article, we will answer all of these questions. We’ll cover everything from the cost of wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles to the different types of wisdom teeth, how they’re extracted, and what you need to do to recover faster from the procedure. So stay with us to learn all there is to know about wisdom teeth extraction in LA.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are an extra set of teeth and the last permanent ones that grow in the back of the mouth from the age of 17 to 25. They’re also known as third molars and according to anthropologists, they used to help our ancestors chew harder foods. So not even don’t they have any uses for us now, but due to the lack of space in the jaws, they’re the source of many dental problems.

What Are the Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming in?

In the slight chance that your mouth has enough room to accommodate the third molars, you won’t notice any signs of them coming in.

Although for most people, wisdom teeth show up with a couple of symptoms that include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Soreness
  • Infections
  • Headaches
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty when eating

It’s best to get your teeth checked if you experience any of the above symptoms before they get worse. Otherwise, the symptoms might become severe and cause intolerable pain. And that’s when you need to schedule an emergency wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles.

How to Know if You Need Yo

ur Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Wisdom teeth extraction in LA is not necessary if the teeth grow straight and into the right position. But the chances of this are slim and you need to extract your wisdom teeth, otherwise, they will:

  • Overcrowd adjacent teeth and force them out of alignment
  • Create pain and swelling in the gums
  • Lead to cysts, infections, and periodontal diseases
  • Trap food particles and make it harder to clean your teeth
  • Lead to tooth decay and cavities

If you need more help deciding whether you should extract your wisdom teeth or not, you can reach out to the Los Angeles dentist, Dr. Michael Kezian. By checking your dental condition and asking you about your symptoms, he can help you make the best decision regarding your wisdom teeth extraction in LA.

Types of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are either erupted or impacted and each of these two cases is divided into multiple types. Let’s have a look.

  • Erupted wisdom teeth: the wisdom teeth have emerged from the gums and are easy to extract.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth: the wisdom teeth have not emerged from the gums so they’re harder to extract.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, under soft tissue: the impacted wisdom teeth are trapped under soft tissue.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, partial-bony: the impacted wisdom teeth have partially erupted. The rest are under bone tissue.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, full-bony: the impacted wisdom teeth are fully trapped under bone tissue. These types of teeth are the most difficult to remove.

The Four Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth are further categorized into four types. Knowing which one you have can help you with your wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles.

  1. Mesial

Here the wisdom tooth is angled toward the front of the mouth. This form of impaction is the most common type with a slight chance of erupting correctly and not needing removal. But it often turns to a partially erupted tooth.

  1. Distal

Here the wisdom tooth is angled toward the back of the mouth and most likely needs to be extracted. This type of impaction is the least common type and the exact opposite of mesial impaction.

  1. Horizontal

Here the wisdom tooth lies horizontally beneath the gums and moves sideways to the neighboring teeth. This form of an impacted tooth is very painful and hard to remove, so it needs the expertise of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

  1. Vertical

Here the wisdom tooth has almost the right orientation and can erupt without causing any problems. Extraction is only necessary if the wisdom tooth is applying too much pressure on the adjacent teeth.

When Is the Right Time for Wisdom Teeth Extraction in LA?

The best time for wisdom teeth extraction in LA is in the late teens when the roots of the wisdom teeth are 1/3 to 2/3 developed. At this time:

  • The wisdom teeth are smaller hence easier to extract
  • They haven’t caused any serious dental problems yet
  • The patients are younger with a faster ability to heal

But if your wisdom teeth are completely grown and you want to remove them, you can do so safely by going to an experienced LA dentist.

What Is the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles?

The cost of wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles depends on the type of wisdom teeth, your overall dental condition, and the other treatments you might need. We need to evaluate your condition and the status of your tooth first.

To lower these costs, you have a few options:

  • Dental insurance: most insurance plans cover the cost of wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles
  • Package discounts: better deals on extracting more than one tooth at a time
  • Payment plans: plans to pay the cost of wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles in multiple installments

How Are Wisdom Teeth Extracted in LA?

  1. The dentist will check your x-rays and CT scans to determine the best way to extract your wisdom tooth in LA.
  2. The dentist will use your preferred type of sedation so you won’t feel a thing during the extraction procedure.
  3. Depending on the type of wisdom tooth, the dentist will either extract it simply with forceps or create small cuts in the gums for better access.
  4. The dentist might split your wisdom tooth into several pieces for easier extraction or remove it as a single piece.
  5. After the procedure, the dentist will clean the wound site and close it with sutures.
  6. Finally, the dentist will put gauze on the wound site. You will rest for a while and be monitored for any complications before someone can take you home.

Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction in LA Painful?

With the help of local anesthetic and Dr. Michael Kezian’s painless injection technique, wisdom teeth extraction in LA has become a completely pain-free procedure. The mild pain after the anesthetics wear off can be relieved by common painkillers and it will be gone after the first 48 hours.

What Are The Risks of Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles?

The rare risks involved with wisdom teeth extraction procedures include:

  • Mild pain, soreness, bleeding, and swelling
  • The throbbing pain of dry sockets where blood clots have dislodged
  • Food particles getting trapped in the extraction site
  • Temporary or permanent insensitivity in the mouth
  • Sinus problems

If you notice any unusual side effects after the extraction procedure, you can contact the Los Angeles emergency dentist Dr. Michael Kezian for help.

What Are the Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles?

Below are some useful aftercare tips that will help you have a better recovery from the extraction procedure:

  • Rest the next few days after the procedure and avoid hard activities
  • Avoid smoking and using straws to reduce the chances of dry sockets
  • To stop the bleeding, bite on a gauze or moist tea bag for 30 minutes
  • Put ice on your cheek to reduce swelling
  • Take over-the-counter or prescribed painkillers to alleviate the pain
  • Drink lots of liquids and opt for soft foods
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, soda, and hard foods
  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse your mouth with salt water

With the help of these tips, you can expect to heal completely in a week or two and get back to your normal routine.

Contact Dr. Michael Kezian About Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles

By extracting your wisdom teeth, you can prevent future dental complications and unnecessary treatments. With today’s advanced technology, the process is easier and less painful than ever.

If you’re still not sure about this decision, you can contact the experienced Los Angeles dentist, Dr. Michael Kezian. He is here to answer any questions you have about wisdom teeth extraction in Los Angeles and help you make the best decision for your oral health. With a team of caring professionals by his side, Dr. Michael Kezian is ready to treat all your dental problems and give you a bright and healthy smile. So if you’re in LA, contact the office of Larchmont Dental Associates today and schedule your appointment.

Larchmont Dental Associates
Dr. Michael A. Kezian DDS
581 N. Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 465-2127


  1. Mouth Healthy –Wisdom Teeth
  2. Crest –Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms, Types & Removal
  3. Colgate –Wisdom Tooth Extraction